Saturday, February 18, 2012

Short Sassy and Blond

I have a problem. When I have made up my mind about something I do it. Hence getting married in Las Vegas after knowing Justin for less than 3 weeks. So on the way to get my hair trimmed I decided to cut it all off. All of it. I have never had my hair shorter than my ears and after seeing my sisters cute haircut I wanted to do it even more. I love it! Easy to do kid friendly and super fast to style. The color is also awesome! I have never done a platinum before either. 
For a few days the color of my blond was the same as the shirt pictured but more neon. It was pretty cool. If I was still in high school I would have kept it. But a 30 year old mom with neon hair just does not seem right. 


Collin said...

Tell that guy in the background to put a shirt on.

katie said...

Hey, put a shirt on!