Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sqeeze workout!!

Ok I just did this workout on Hulu.It was called the squeeze. Wholy CRAP! 
This is the workout to do if you want a nice looking but and abs. I will feel it tomorrow!
Seriously try it. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Genesis - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight (Invisible Touch Tour)

So I was listening to this song in the car today. I rarely listen to Genesis, or Phil Collins, but the iPod was on random and this is what came up, and I chose to listen to it. Felix really likes it. He was singing along to it. And when we got home he was singing it as he was coloring. I love that kid.
I will try and get some video of it.

Also, I promise Justin and I have better taste in music than Phill Collins and KC and the Sunshine band.
I swear.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Orchids and Citrus Trees!

So justin bought some citrus trees.
 I am very excited about them!! They are just seedings so I won't get any fruit for a while. The citrus trees are all going to stay small and can be grown in a window. I am also super excited for them to blossom. It will smell so good in our house!!!! Also I will have fresh citrus!
We also got several orchids in the last week. I am most excited about Mazillaria schunkeana. We saw it at an orchid society meeting and I wanted one. Now I have one! 
For more information check out Justin's blog post on the plants. He has pictures as well.
We are also looking at getting a couple blueberry bushes. I am excited for our garden this summer!

Winter Fun!!

Felix and grandpa Busby making cookies! 
Felix had as much fun eating the cookies as making them:)

Not a great picture, but Justin and I made a  growth board for his brother Budge and family. It is Star Wars !!

March of the presents!

Felix really enjoyed bringing out all the presents. He helped place all of them under the vivarium. He also handed out presents. 

Yeah Christmas!

Calvin loved all the paper and ribbons.

Justin got me come awesome cheese!

Felix enjoying his presents!

More fun opening presents at grandpa Busby's house!

The book is called "All the Rain Promises and More". Seriously look it up online. 

A bounty of cars!

GRRRRUmP said the little orange frog one day...

Calvin helping dad water plants.

Felix playing in the packing peanuts. He had a great afternoon playing in them.

Calvin loves to play! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Back to School

School started this week! 
I had my first class room class in like 10 years! It was fun. 
I was half an hour late... but I walked in just after the power point was started for the lecture. Typical  Katie, I read and reread when my class started and the room number, but for some reason Saturday morning came and I said to myself I am ready for my class at 8:30! I ended up calling Justin a bit flustered  after seeing the lecture started and he told me "You said last night it started at 8:00." 
I missed all the boring syllabus stuff which was nice.
 I am feeling a bit anxious because my classes are a bit harder so I will need to study more. I hope the boys will be nice and let me have the time. 
You may be thinking, hey wait shouldn't you be studying or doing homework right now? Yes, yes I should. But I just don't want to. Besides it has been like forever since I have written anything. Anyways, I am excited (just not right now) to learn and get things moving toward a degree!!!!! 

I may not be posting as often now. 
But I will post pictures from Christmas soonish:)