I am enrolled in Summer school!
I will be super busy at least until mid July when I will be down to two classes ( hopefully only one).
I am currently taking 2d design. Which has been fun. Our professor is pretty cool super laid back and kooky. Kooky is a good word to describe him. Like he said today we would be watching part of a film and then lifted his eyebrows up a bunch of times. I really like that the class has been like 10- 30 min of lecture looking at examples and then drawing. Which I am loving being able to be creative. I have to watch myself because When I look at other peoples work it totally throws me off, Like man why didn't I think of that. So I try to keep my eyes on my own stuff until I am done. This is making me excited for drawing 1 next block.
I am also enrolled in English 2010. Which is a research project. Not my favorite, but I am going to write about cheese. So I am excited to do a little bit more research about it. I am not sure what my focus will be, but I am excited!
I am taking a Saturday class Art History 2710, which is interesting. I am looking forward to learning about Greek and Egyptian art next week. But I think it will be all down hill from there. I am not super looking forward to the dark ages and gothic painting. But who knows, there may be a new angle that will help me to appreciate it better. This is a hard class because it is jam packed every class and we take a test every week.
I am also taking the bus to school. This has been kind of fun. It gives me a chance to sit and read for about an hour every day. (currently reading The Bell Jar, and loving it)
Justin has been taking care of the boys and they are doing great! Hopefully by the end of the semester I will still love summer school as much as I do right now. I like how fast paced it is. I like to get stuff done and not have tons of busy work.
Just a quick update to avoid doing homework :)