Sunday, May 27, 2012

Downton Abbey

Ok, if you are like me you heard all about it, saw several shows mention it and seen tons of posts and heard people talk about it. Glee was this way. I watched five minutes and hated it, so I was not interested in another super hyped show. 
After seeing it in my recommendations in Netflix everyday and that it said I would give it a 5 star rating if I watched it, and knowing that it was on PBS gave it some credibility so I finally gave in and watched it. 

Downton Abbey

This is a good drama. Good enough that Justin and I just finished watching the furst season this afternoon and I just bought the season two on i-tunes because I didn't want to wait to get the DVD. 
 I am super excited to start watching the second season with Justin!!!!!! 

Now he just has to get off the phone so we can start it...

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