School started this week!
I had my first class room class in like 10 years! It was fun.
I was half an hour late... but I walked in just after the power point was started for the lecture. Typical Katie, I read and reread when my class started and the room number, but for some reason Saturday morning came and I said to myself I am ready for my class at 8:30! I ended up calling Justin a bit flustered after seeing the lecture started and he told me "You said last night it started at 8:00."
I missed all the boring syllabus stuff which was nice.
I am feeling a bit anxious because my classes are a bit harder so I will need to study more. I hope the boys will be nice and let me have the time.
You may be thinking, hey wait shouldn't you be studying or doing homework right now? Yes, yes I should. But I just don't want to. Besides it has been like forever since I have written anything. Anyways, I am excited (just not right now) to learn and get things moving toward a degree!!!!!
I may not be posting as often now.
But I will post pictures from Christmas soonish:)