Monday, October 15, 2012

Bites on the arm

I am quite uncomfortable right now. I was awoken about an hour ago by the feeling that some thing was crawling on me. I did as I usually do and swiped at the offending area then rolled over to sleep. A few seconds later my arm felt like I had rubbed a chilli pepper into my skin. I felt my arm and found no bomb indicating I had been bitten, so I tried to go back to sleep. It continued to bug me so I got up and went to the bathroom to check it out. At first I didn't see anything, but as my eyes focused I could see a reddish spot developing. I felt it and in the slightly redder spot i t felt like I had goose bumps. I put some anti itch cream on it and went to bed. After a few minutes my arm began to feel sore , like I had a horrible knot in my muscle. I grabbed an Ice pack which has helped dull he pain, and took a couple of Advil. Justin turned on the light to make sure that the beast was not in the bed, or to catch it and see what it was. No luck there. I can not sleep, so i finished my book and am looking to keep myself distracted until I can fall asleep. Stinking spiders. I hope Justin got back to sleep.


Unknown said...

Turns out that we did find the offending spider later on that night. Katie was bitten by a black widow (one of the largest I've ever seen actually) and had a fairly severe reaction. I took her to the emergency room after she started experiencing severe abdominal and lower back pain. She is home now but on fairly heavy pain medication.

Tamra said...

I was gonna say, that's a nasty spider, and I would take care of that ASAP. That sounds like Emergency Room stuff. There's only so many spider bites that feel like that, and none of them are good ones.

Glad she's been taken care of. Crazy story!

Collin said...

Whatever, Katie is such a hypochondriac that I bet she only imagined the entire thing...just kidding, worst 3am phone call ever is to come babysit while people go to the hospital.

Also, it was kind of surreal to find this post AFTER the hospital ordeal.

Nancy said...

Crazy. I hope you're doing better now! Blasted Black Widow!!

katie said...

Thanks for your well wishes. I recommend never getting bit by a poisonous spider. you feel like you have the flu and just got beat with a baseball bat. I could not imagine going through this without pain medication. It also puts into perspective what little beastys go though when they get bit. Oh and Justin did kill the spider.