Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Avatar

This summer we have spent a lot of time at my parents house. Me being sick, and feeling bad for Justin, we have been there quite often so he can get dinner. we have watched T.V. with my little sister a few times and have seen some pretty crappy pre-teen shows. But something caught Justin's eye, Avatar. I had seen the show a few years back and watched a few episodes with my brothers and sisters. It is also one of our nieces and nephews favorite shows.
This summer they have had an Avatar marathon. We have missed lots but have seen most of it. I am
super excited, Justin got us a copy of the series so we can watch it from beginning to end! I am pretty excited! If you have not seen it don't let the fact that it is on Nickelodeon turn you off to it. Don't worry it is no Sponge Bob, Fairly Odd Parents, or iCarly. (blah, I hate that last show!)
So, if it is on and your kids are watching it, take a moment and watch to. You may enjoy it.
Also there is a movie coming out! The trailer has me a little excited. I just hope they keep the playfulness of the T.V. show. Justin hopes they cast someone super hot as Katara ;)

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