Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Our son has taken to waking up at 6:00.
Since Justin has been home Felix has had a bit of an attitude change. He loves his dad. At the airport he didn't want to let go of Justin to get into his car seat. And it has been that way since then. It is very cute. He really loves to snuggle and be with Justin. Felix has also been a bit more whiny and I don't want to say bratty but kind of bratty as well. Which has been hard to deal with. It seems to be toning down which I am super grateful for but he is now waking up at 6. Which is making everyone more irritable and crabby. I wish he would go back to sleeping in till 8...


Tamra said...

Agreed. 6:00 is WAY too early. You should spank his bum for that! :)

Elaine Shandra said...

My nephew did that for awhile (as a baby) after his dad had been fairly absent due to long work hours and working on a master's degree. He wanted to make sure that dad was still around.

Collin said...

I just noticed the background photo to your blog. It is AWESOME.

Tamra said...

that's horrible! I'm glad Justin's back, though.