Monday, September 22, 2008


Check out this link:
This site helped me decide where I sand on up coming issues. PLEASE go to it and check it out.
It presents both side of the argument and everything is easy to understand. (That is why I think it is so great) You will be surprised at who "your" candidate is! It is sooo important that we vote. It is our chance to tell the people who run our country how we feel, no matter how crazy and insignificant you think you are.
Pass it on to everyone you know!!!!!!


Tamra said...

This is a GREAT site. I've already recommended it to several people who were having a hard time deciding who they should support. ... Personally I intend to vote for the one who is the best looking, so it doesn't matter where I stand on the issues, right?

katie said...

Right really it is super scary how I have voted in the past. Like I have know about some issues and like 3 candidates, but everyone else has been a random choices like; oh I like there name or I have heard of them...
I know scary.