Friday, January 16, 2009

2001 a Space Odyssey

So over the years I have had a slight fascination with this movie. The story has intrigued me mostly because there are like a million parodies in television and movies. I just feel like I am missing something. It is considered a classic and blah blah blah.
I tried watching it after I graduated from high school. I felt completely lost. So I gave up. A few years ago I found the screenplay online and I thought hey maybe this will clarify and help me understand the story better. (I really didn't understand how neanderthals, large blank dominoes and Hal were all connected.)
I was even more confused. So in a final attempt I am going to read the novel. And if it makes sense I am going to re watch the movie. (This time from beginning to end:) Also I found out that this is a series of novels. So if I like it I will read those also.

Ok so I finished it and I really liked it. Finally I get the movie! I am looking forward to watching it again. I am also starting the 2nd book in the series today! I really recommend it, It was super easy to read and easy to understand. It is also a very interesting take on how humans came to be the way we are.

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