Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year

So it is once again time for New Years Resolutions. I have been thinking about those and I have decided on a few:
  • Exercise. I totally burnt myself out last year. And when it got colder I stopped exercising altogether. This year I have a plan and I am not going to over do it.
  • Eat Healthier. Try and cut out snacking on junk and make healthier choices at family activities. Also cooking healthier food.
  • Clean everyday. I got tiered this last year of spending  hours every Saturday cleaning.  So this year I will do at least wash one load of dishes at night and straighten up before going to bed at. 
  • Bake Bread. I really would like to do this more often.
  • Use my Cookbooks. I have a bunch of cookbooks some of which I have never used.
I hope everyone has a GREAT New Year!!!!


Tamra said...

I like your resolutions! Cleaning is something I've only lately gotten back on top of. I enjoy the process of cleaning, but it's been hard with small children to keep anything clean! Now, though, with Miciah in school all day, it's easier. Plus, we've way simplified our house, mainly the upstairs, and so it feels so easy now! I feel like I spend less time cleaning and get more done! Yea for that!

katie said...

I am really happy to have started it. I even had time to make a card one night! I now need to tackle my toiletries. They are spread all over the bedroom. Perfume here jewelry there makeup all over.