Monday, November 7, 2011

Facebook Reader and Google+

Well for those of you that don't know. I got rid of my Facebook account. Why, it was a waste of time. I felt obligated to post something and really I just don't need to be spending time doing stuff like that. Sorry to anyone who will miss me, but if you are reading this then really you wont miss me to much ;) Reader, I am sad it is gone. It could be a waste of time, if I wanted it to be. But just like Justin said the other day it was really the best of the internet. Which was awesome! I will miss reading about cool new discoveries and neat places and good food. But I don't have the time to do what Reader did for me. I do have a google+ account. I like it kind of. It is like an exclusive facebook. Really right now I mostly have been playing Angry Birds with Felix on it. Not the greatest. I did get a Pinrest account. Which I like because I can make folders of things I like want to make etc.. So it has some of the same features as reader kind of. I am sorry if I don't friend everyone who friends me on pinrest but really you will be fine:) I am sure you have plenty of other friends.I am using mostly as a craft and food creativity cabinet. I am really sad that reader is gone, because I would have loved to pin some of the awesome things I saw... Also, poo on you google for changing reader.

1 comment:

Tamra said...

Yeah, I don't think people get it. I say to them, "No, this change has destroyed the internet for me." Oh, Reader, why did you have to leave us?

Thinking about tossing FB out the window, too. Without Reader, what's the point of the internet at all? ... I guess I still get to read your blog. That's an upside. :)